تطبيق تكة هو أسهل وأفضل طريقة لبيع وشراء الأشياء من حولك. هل هنالك شيء لم تعد تستعمله؟ هل هنالك شيء كنت دوما تبحث عنه؟ تطبيق تكة للاعلانات المبوبة هو الحل الأمثل لعملية بيع أو شراء في غاية السهولة والسرعة والبساطة.
Takkeh web and apps are a fun, cool and easy way to buy and sell things around you. Is there something you do not need anymore? Or is there something that you have always wanted? Middle East's easiest classified marketplace, now brings you cool deals near you.
Account auto-generation:
To make things easier, Takkeh provides account autogeneration when placing an ad and communicates the password in a popup
Takkeh provides filters for 6 categories Cars, Property, Mobiles, Furniture, Electronics, and cloths. And under that users can also filter on a subcategory level. Some categories provide an attribute level filtration (e.g. Cars: car make, car model, year and price).
Multi-selection filtration:
Takkeh provides multi-selection for some attributes (e.g. car make: you can select to filter the results on BMW, Audi, and Ford)
Smooth ad placement:
Selling on Takkeh is super easy, the platform guides you to take the next step easily. The web experience is responsive is just very similar to the apps one.